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Nikah Ceremony
Nikah (Islamic lawful Life Sharing Contract) Nikah is a great blessing and worship. In Sharia law Nikah viewed as a contract by both parties agree to live as husband and wife in accordance with the Quran, and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad saw. Having a relationship outside the bond […]Nikah (Islamic lawful Life Sharing Contract)
Nikah is a great blessing and worship. In Sharia law Nikah viewed as a contract by both parties agree to live as husband and wife in accordance with the Quran, and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad saw. Having a relationship outside the bond of Nikah is totally prohibited in Islam and is a major sin.
According to Islam, both man and woman have rights over each other when they enter into a contract. Ensure you are ready for your Nikah and fully aware of the consequences and responsibilities of Nikah. Thus, we encourage you to read up on this topic and make yourself aware of your responsibilities.
Registering your Nikah into Marriage under UK law
Conducting a Nikah at Cadishead & Irlam Islamic Centre does NOT constitute a Civil Marriage. Thus, it is very important that you register civil marriage with your local registrar office, following the Nikah.
Under UK law, couples who are only in a Nikah and without civil marriage are generally considered to be co-habiting. They do not have the same enforceable rights as couples in a civil marriage Couples in a civil marriage will have rights that are enforceable under UK law with regards to pensions, benefits or in the event of a dispute, separation, inheritance estate etc.
For further information for Civil Marriage, please contact Salford Council Registrar Office.
Mahr (Dowry)
One of the essential elements of a Nikah is that the man agrees to pay the woman a dowry. The dowry is not a gift and is a mandatory requirement for all men whereby an amount of money or possessions with monetary value is paid to the woman at the time of Nikah ceremony or later in the future for her exclusive use.
Documents requirement
- Each partner must present two forms of identification, one with a photo (e.g., UK driving license or passport) and one with a UK permanent address (e.g., Utilities bill or Bank statement with dated within the last four months). It is your responsibility to produce the original documents.
- Birth Certificates – For each partner. If names have changed the original copy of the Deed Poll.
- Divorcees – Decree Absolute & Talaq Documents in accordance with Sharia.
- Widow/Widower – Former spouses death certificate.
- Two male witnesses of good character MUST be present at the time of Nikah. It is vital that the witness reliable, easily traceable, unbiased witnesses to the Nikah. We will not provide any witnesses.
- If one or both partners are converts to Islam, a letter or certificate is required from the person who conducted their Shahada.
- Filled application form (available from the office or online)
- Original civil marriage certificate (if available)
All of the documents listed above must be original documents and a photocopy of each document for mosque to retain. These documents must be produced before the Nikah. To expedite the process, you can email your documents to:
Important information
- Either one partner must be a resident of Irlam.
- We only conduct a Nikah where both partners are physically present.
- Both partners must be over the age of 16 and all witnesses must be over the age of 18.
- Presence of the Wali (the bride’s father or next of reliable male kin to the bride).
- Presence of two Muslim Male witnesses, with their ID’s.
- You can bring along friends and relatives to attend your Nikah.
- In Islam a Nikah must be entered in to freely by both parties. Furthermore, forced marriages are illegal under UK law, and carries a maximum sentence of 7 years
- Nikah application is accepted during administration hours (Mon – Friday 9am to 5pm) or any time via email ( Applicants must allow up to three weeks before the Nikah can take place in order for processing the application.
- Failing to reply to the LIC attempts to contact you regarding your application will result in termination of your application and also loss of your fee
Nikah fee
The current Nikah processing fee is £100 to cover all cost in advance. Please note that the fee is not refundable once an application is submitted and then withdrawn.
Nikah certificate
A Nikah certificate will be issued 1 week after the ceremony and it is important you retain this certificate, as you may need it in the future (e.g., if you undertake Hajj / Umrah – the certificate can prove a Nikah exists between yourselves especially as surnames are usually different at the time of Nikah).
The names on the photo ID will be the names that will be written on the Nikah certificate. We will not write any other names.
Non-UK Residents
Muslim brides and bridegrooms who are not permanent residents in the UK and/or who have dual nationality are advised to consult their respective Embassies to comply with any regulations and/or requirements of their home country, if any, before entering into a UK marriage contract.
All of the above mentioned, is for your general guidance only. It should not be taken as the law. You should seek independent professional advice as relevant to your circumstances. We only conduct the Nikah, and we do not provide any legally binding advice etc.
If you are interested in booking for a Nikah ceremony, please complete the Nikah Registration Form at Do it online tab.